
透過靜心聯结創造的源頭 2017.02.02


_Tap into the source of Creativity through Mindfulness>
San Francisco State University_2017.02.02 ☀️
~Dharma talks from Venerable Jing Guang~
Creativity is a breakthrough out of the old thinking patterns. 
Although creativity is beyond constrains of the past, it is derived from accumulated experiences and skills. These past experiences form the foundation to power creativity. When interacting with consciousness spontaneously, creativity manifests into out of ordinary forms, styles, and designs. As such, creativity may be affected by previous experiences but not constrained by these old patterns of thoughts. 
Therefore, accumulating knowledge and cultivating professional skills are necessary but not sufficient to lead to creativity. One must put in great efforts to nurture these fundamental ‘fuels’ in order to develop the strength to breakthrough the form and leap to the formless creativity. However, the key is, in this endeavor, how NOT to be confined by these knowledge, skills, and past experiences; instead allow the transformation to happen. To achieve this, you must first enter into a mindful and peaceful state, and then allow these obtained fundamental resources interact with the consciousness organically to breakthrough past forms and patterns. 
It is at this very moment, when embracing mindfulness, stillness, relaxation, awareness, an d tranquility, you experience the state of Oneness. Only in this state, you tap into the source of creativity. You completely let go and allow creativity emerges by itself freely. 
Therefor, the utmost creativity is returning to the source of all beings and discover the essence of life. Then, with this profound realization, we embrace this essence in the every moment of our life!
Professor Yikuan 